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Allendale Christian School is intentional about making the educational experience one that is focused on understanding who God is and living for Him. This belief is central to our mission, vision, core values, and the characteristics we desire of our graduates.

We can tell you what attributes we want our preschool-eighth grade students to walk away with. Or we could show you. 

Schedule your visit today. 


Core Values

  1. Academic Excellence that is Christ-focused 
    Students are offered a Biblically-based, excellent academic program that will prepare them for high school and life-long learning. Staff members have a committed relationship to Christ and are highly qualified to teach. All academics are taught from a Biblical perspective and give God the glory for His blessings to our school. 

    "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17
  2. Called to Service 
    Students are taught the importance of serving others. Christ is our ultimate model of service and love in our relationships. Servant leadership is an important part of the ministry of our school, and students will learn about and be given the opportunity to live in service to God, so that they may positively impact their community and the world for Jesus Christ. 

    “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
  3. Spiritually Equipped 
    Students study theology and the gospel to better understand God’s word. Our initial desire is to see them come to a saving knowledge of Christ as Savior. Through discipleship, they'll have the tools necessary to discern the world through a Bible-based, Christian worldview, and they'll be equipped to exhibit Christ-like character — glorifying God in all they do. 

    “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

Portrait of an ACS Graduate | Developing Habits of Living

An Allendale Christian School education will encourage graduates to be…

  • Academically successful in high school and beyond.
  • Loving Communicators | Effective communicators who think critically, and write and speak thoughtfully.
  • Image Reflectors | Confident that God loves them, and others, as His unique and valuable masterpiece.
  • Beauty Creators | Able to see, cultivate, and use their God-given abilities in worship to God.
    God Worshippers | Mature disciples of Christ who confidently share their faith and the gospel with others.
  • Idolatry Discerner | Able to discern the world through the lens of scripture.
  • Justice Seekers | Concerned for their fellow man and eager to show Christ’s love to others through action.
  • Servant Workers and Community Builders | Servants within their community.
  • Creation Enjoyers, Earth Keepers, and Order Discoverers | Stewards of creation who find beauty and order in God’s world.
  • Thankful to those who provided them with the gift of Christian education.

You're welcome to read about our Habits of Living, but a choice like where to send your child is too big to make from a website along.

Schedule your visit today. 


Fast Facts

Number of Faculty:  31
Number of Faculty with Master's Degrees:  10
Number of Paraeducators/Aides:  17
Number of Administrative Staff:  4
Number of Social Workers: 2

Total number of students in PS-8:  531
Average class size in grades K-8:  21 students
K-8 Student to K-8 Educational staff ratio:  8.1 students

PSAT Benchmark to be considered on track for college readiness:   820
PSAT average for grade 8 students at ACS:  934
National percentile for ACS grade 8 students on the PSAT:  79th percentile