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Teaching for Transformation: Distinctly Christian!



Teaching for Transformation (TfT) is the Biblical Worldview program that provides the framework for all that we do at ACS. Each teacher has a Deep Hope for their students, a class storyline that is a part of God's Big Story, and he or she creates real-world experiences to get students outside the walls of the classroom to meet the needs in the community. Our goal is to prepare students to see God's Story and live God's Story in everyday life. Teachers and students commit together to accomplish real Kingdom work within our local community to meet the actual needs of people. 

With TfT, students are developing a way of seeing and living in the world that is consistent with Abraham Kuyper’s declaration that "there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry, ‘Mine!’” God created all things. Even after the fall, which indeed affects and infects all things, creation remains good. Christ’s redemptive act touches all things, redirecting them to their God-designated purposes. Someday, all things will be fully restored, but the work of renewal begins now, and we are privileged to be coworkers with God in this process. That’s where Teaching for Transformation (TfT) comes in!

Core Practices

Every classroom offers a compelling vision of the Kingdom and how each student plays a role in God’s Big Story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. 

For example, one class worked through the storyline I’m Powered (think: empowered). They studied Ephesians 3:20-21, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” All year, they focused on how God’s power is at work within us to make a difference for the Lord and build His Kingdom.

We invite every student to play their part in God’s story. A few Habits of Living we emphasize are servant worker, justice seeker, idolatry discerner, order discoverer, image reflector, and loving communicator. These habits are woven into the preschool through grade 8 classrooms, just like state academic standards, inviting our students to imagine their role in God’s Story. Read more about Portrait of an ACS Graduate | Developing Habits for Life.


We provide authentic opportunities for students to practice living the Kingdom story. For ACS, authentic means that we do real work — tackling real problems — for real people. We want learning to be both inside and outside the classroom, giving kids the opportunity to see the Story and live the Story! FLEx allows ACS students to do God’s work now, not just prepare to do it someday. 

Stories from FLEx opportunities at ACS continue to grow as our students truly learn to live the story! Follow that links below to see some FLEx in action:

Enjoy our ever-growing Teaching for Transformation playlist on YouTube or download the following PDFs:

WoodTv - Living Memories

Kindness Domino Effect

A Simple Act of Kindness

Monarch Waystation


Servant Workers and Earth Keepers


A Deep Hope goes above and beyond
academics to the heart of what Christian Education is all about. Teachers at ACS invite students to explore their role in God’s Story, while nurturing and empowering them to live out their God-given purpose for their life. Each student, every year, develops their own Deep Hope, with help and guidance from teachers. Every year, others are able to watch the roots of their faith grow deeper and stronger in the Lord. 

To learn more, download the Teaching for Transformation brochure then plan your visit today!

From a Parent:

"The value of ACS can never be put into $$. The value is when you see the lives of kids developing to look more like Christ. From the top down, Christ is modeled and glorified in every way. I can't express what being part of the ACS community means to me. Also, through things like RightNow Media (provided for free by ACS), ACS shows that helping grow families closer to Christ doesn't end when the final bell rings for the day. Instead, ACS looks to pour into families in every facet of life as we look to be like Christ in all things."