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Educational Support Services

It is an amazing privilege to partner with families and churches to bring all children, regardless of their physical and mental ability or disability, before the throne of God and help them understand their role in God’s Big Story. One amazing characteristic of the children at ACS is that they represent the great diversity that exists in God’s Kingdom. We are passionate about doing our very best to educate all of God's children.

Matthew 19:14 quotes Jesus in saying, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” What strikes us about this passage is not what it says, but what it does not say. Jesus never said to let the typical or average children come.  Instead, He said, “Let the little children come to me.”  This was a clear statement from God that all children in the body of Christ belong, regardless of physical and mental ability or disability. At ACS, we celebrate the many abilities that God has blessed each child with!

  This important belief has led ACS to invest in the Educational Support Service program so we can be inclusive of more kids with physical disabilities. It is our desire to represent the diversity in the body of Christ as much as we can. To help us on this journey, ACS partners with All Belong, a Center for Inclusive Education. It is the commitment and mission of All Belong to "faithfully build belonging for persons of all abilities." All Belong consultants work closely with the ACS Educational Support Services team, as well as other staff members, to proactively plan for successful inclusion at ACS. Additionally, ACS staff partners with the Special Education department at Allendale Public Schools to provide necessary accommodations and ancillary services to meet the needs of our students that qualify for support.

We are certainly not perfect in this journey, but we have a passion to do our very best to partner with our families and support all students. We understand that not every resource is attainable by ACS, and if the needs of a student with special abilities cannot be met, we help them find other Christian organizations that can fully meet their needs. 

If you have an interest in learning more about the Support Services program at ACS, and how we can support your family, please contact us by calling 616-895-5108, or email Rachel Seinen, our Educational Support Services lead teacher.


High Ability Learners (PEAK)

Our PEAK (Pursuing...Enrichment, Aspiration, Knowledge) Program seeks to provide creative, engaging, and thought-provoking activities for selected, high-ability third- through seventh-grade students. Our Deep Hope for PEAK students is that they will recognize the Source of their abilities, pursue additional challenges with eagerness, and seek ways to use their gifts to benefit God’s kingdom. For questions about PEAK, please reach out to the PEAK teacher, Rebecca Koning.