Young Fives at ACS
Young Fives at ACS is an important year of growth and development between preschool and kindergarten for many children. Our program prepares students for a successful school experience! We will focus on early literacy skills, math skills, social interactions and relationships, science, creative arts, and Bible. Literacy knowledge and skills developed in the early childhood years help develop later literacy achievement. We will develop these skills during structured large group time, small group activities, structured free play time, and dramatic play centers. The children will become proficient in their ability to do school, and their confidence in working with each other and listening to a teacher will grow. These skills are all integrated into many different areas of learning all within a loving, Christian environment.
The Young Fives class meets for full school days (8:15-3:15) on Mondays and Wednesdays, with a half day schedule on Fridays (8:15-11:45), following the school calendar.
“I love the way God is part of everything that the kids do and learn!“—ACS Y5 parent
A Day in Young Fives
Each day in Young Fives begins with a daily routine, which includes number recognition, name recognition, lunch routine, and carpet time. Also, during this time, the children learn their jobs, learn calendar and weather skills, and answer a driving question for the day. Then our day moves into devotion time, where a new word is discussed each month. This word uses a Bible verse, a song, and a book each class period. It is an excellent discussion time to discover how God wants us to tell who He is. All of this preparation on the carpet prepares us for our day.
- Bible: These lessons help us to grow in the knowledge of who God is through daily Bible stories and a fun, hands-on craft to help us learn and remember. During this time, we also praise and worship God through songs.
- Literacy: Literacy time might include working with the letters in our names, rhyming words and sounds, color words with songs and spelling, using literacy throughout the room, daily read-aloud, and books available to “read.”
- Math: Math skills are taught in large groups, small group skills, and centers set up in the room. Skills may include number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, counting, and number formation.
- Social Studies and Science: We learn through large group activities, interactive experiments, and outdoor exploration
- Specials Classes: PE, Art, Music, and Library
- Outdoor Education is also a part of the Friday curriculum. These activities take place with 7th-grade buddies or in “The Great Beyond!”
Fridays will also allow for participation in chapel, God Pods, and Kindness Matters, developing great inclusion in the ACS community. Young Fives also thrives in being part of the ACS community for the Walk-a-Thon, special events, spirit week, and other all-school activities. We also have 7th-grade buddies that we develop a great relationship with.